Germany: The brazen proclamation of skills shortage!
Neither today nor in 20 years there is a real shortage of skilled workers in Germany. The public scaremongering turns out to be more brazen fraud!
20 years, we lack 11 million professionals!"
It's madness! Today because we lack at least 10 million insurance
contributions and employers' associations call seriously the shortage
of skilled workers from.
In their foolhardy propaganda this lobby is also strongly supported
by politicians and the media. The alleged shortage of skilled
personnel fits all opinion leaders so wonderfully into the concept,
because it legitimizes the immigration and demanded that the EU
free movement. The honest analysis today looks like
So pressure is, strictly speaking, about 16 million paid fair, social insurance jobs! If we had, the financing of our social systems would be absolutely no problem, then you would not even have to cut the pensions of 70 to 45 percent of the last gross salary.
usually lacks only on the payment!
On closer examination, the tirelessly propagated in the media skills
shortage turned out to be pure propaganda chatter. A shortage of
skilled workers is apart from a few exceptions complained only in
industries whose wage rates are too low or where individual companies
offer poor working conditions.
Unfortunately, the unchecked influx from abroad prevented a performance-based wage adjustment in many professions. For millions of economic refugees are often glad at all to get a job in Germany and work for little money and well below tariff.
By this undermining the natural dynamics of the market economy is severely disturbed. In an intact internal market would real shortage of skilled workers in a sector automatically lead to a rise in wages. In Germany, however, the opposite is the case. Since 1980 fall across the board, inflation-adjusted net wages and pensions.
Even the
supposed shortage of engineers and mathematicians ultimately results
from the elimination of the market economy. Why have to prove
themselves as an engineer a day when you can earn more as a secondary
teacher with less pressure to perform?
Due to the accessibility of immigrants today, many professions are
paid does no longer meet!
A hopefully thought-provoking note in the margin: In Germany there are about 300,000 prostitutes, 80 percent of them come from abroad. so does the shortage of skilled workers from which ever is the speech?
retraining because the learned profession brings too little!
The caused by poor earning potential frustration often leads to
retrain. There is only so many times learned a completely new
profession because the salaries in the teaching profession are simply
too low. In economic terms this career change is an expensive
Because the effective working life of the population is thereby
reduced considerably. Not only those affected lose retraining over 10
percent of their working lives - the drawn-over-year secondary
education eventually also claims a large contingent of good
If all occupations paid fairly (by not consuming the imported wage dumping), the number of retraining would decline considerably. Likewise, the number of emigration would of course significantly reduce.
Many German doctors are attracted because of leaner income abroad (Scandinavia, Switzerland, USA, etc.). To compensate for these departures we recruit doctors from eastern Europe. There, the doctors are missing. Would German doctors better paid, the attractiveness of the profession would increase (there were more medical students) and of course fewer doctors would go abroad. |
immigration our care system would
Also this kind horror stories are baseless. Most geriatric nurse in
Germany earn 20% below plan. If you were to stop immigration from
abroad in these professions, the care system would collapse unlike
claims by no means.
In such a case, the wages would gradually adapted to the
circumstances (the market). Under tariff hardly anyone would want
to work in Germany in this area more and wage rates would attract
soon to a level that increases the attractiveness of this arduous
profession significantly.
reports of success!
According to statistics, since the employment rate of over 58 year
olds will rise again. However, in the euphemistic messages and
graphics, unfortunately, is only nebulous of "jobs" speech. It would
be interesting to know what proportion of the real, insurance
full-time jobs would be.
The fact is that many deported in the early retirement professionals
are forced by the drastic reduction in pension benefits for a second
job to supplement their meager incomes slightly. It is almost
cynical, derive an employment income from the damage caused by the
pension cuts emergencies.
27 of the 42 million working conditions in Germany are social
These figures should really shake up everyone! Of course, every
worker would have preferred a social insurance work, even with regard
to the prospective pension entitlements.
The millions of insurance free mini-jobs show the true face of our supposed "employment miracle". Why our elected representatives accept at all in a "skills shortage" exemption from compulsory insurance? If these special perks canceled, the insurance premiums could fall across the board.
who claim that Germany needed because of the alleged
shortage of skilled workers more immigrants, is in my eyes
an ignoramus or pathetic liar! Despite
creative accounting to have official unemployment in Germany
increased tenfold in the last five decades!
shortages, despite mass unemployment?
is precisely the problem of our welfare state: Many activities are so
poorly paid in Germany that taking up work is not worthwhile.
IV families with children are often better without job
as corresponding with low or average income households.
Similarly, quite a few Stressed (the number of mentally ill in recent
years has skyrocketed) can no longer take refuge in a carefree early
disability or are happy to already enjoy 58 an early retirement
pension (or the companies are glad the older, to get rid of so
powerful workers elegantly).
objecting now, such a thing would not exist in Germany yet, work
refusers it go here thanks Hartz IV to the collar, misunderstands the
situation. Who does not want to work in Germany and reasonably
intelligent (and has no usable assets), which is difficult to be
dealt with by legal means.
How can you force someone in our social state to deliver decent
work? Also power Cutback threats do little if any in the imposed
job crap builds ( "I give my best, but I just can not do") or
permanently sick plays.
Conclusion: attractive wages and / or significantly lower social benefits, conditions would change rapidly. Then there would be even in the nursing profession and in catering an oversupply of skilled labor and no one would speak of a necessary immigration .
The unlimited freedom in finding a job in the EU kontakariert the natural driving forces of the free market economy. From these difficulties, many tried to unlimited immigration companies benefit (at the expense of the general public).
bottlenecks It
also makes no sense to cover this shortfall with immigrants.
Because that would eventually no longer even needed to
expiry of the boom. You can not just send back home those
people then. They may have to live on welfare for
For 5 years already generated by an artificially produced
cheap flood of money in the construction industry a
temporary illusory boom. Instead of a previously
conventional mortgage interest rate of 8% you get today for
2% construction funds.
Given these absurd conditions will naturally built and never
been renovated. When it comes to this exceptional situation
in any craft area to a "skills shortage", you just have to
live with it. It does not make sense now train over charge
bricklayers or roofers who were unemployed then after the
(artificially produced) Boom all.
the year 2034 lacks 11 million skilled
Have always been made with absurd predictions policy. Already
for the year 2013, a million-fold shortage of skilled workers was
predicted in the 1990s. But it does arrive quite different. The
shortfall has not occurred, the then forecast has proven to be
idiotic. Instead of a skills shortage we are experiencing the era of
mass unemployment, with the majority of the unemployed is eliminated
by accounting tricks from the official statistics.
Today, of course, no one talks more of the misleading predictions of the 1990s. And in 20 years the forecasts of today ( "11 million missing professionals") are no longer questioned. The false prophets do not need to fear being held accountable for their momentous miscalculations ever accountable.
flaw in the required bills!
Mostly calculate dubious experts on behalf of the economy the demand
for skilled workers on the basis of age-related turnover: 20 million
workers over the next 20 years in retirement - but due to weak
cohorts move only 9 million young professionals after. 20 million
minus 9 million - which then results in a shortfall of 11 million
But this miscalculation is of course absurd. For many reasons, such.
B .:
A shrinking population also needs fewer workers!
the strong cohorts gradually die, the population of the country
decreases (is, if not canceled by a forced migration of the effect).
Demographic trends also will normalize for this reason (the
proportion of pensioners in the total population will noticeably
Would the German population decrease so in 20 years to ten million,
one needs to its nutrition and care no more 40 million
The growing productivity reduces the workload!
The brilliant progress in the technical development increase
productivity. In the next 20 years is expected to increase by 70
percent. This means that it will be in 20 years, also used far fewer
workers to meet today's standard of living. Even this aspect explains
why the scare tactics the shortage of skilled workers is totally
a state needs more jobs than the country will bear?
All over the world we are fighting with the phenomena of mass
unemployment, poverty and wage dumping. In this environment, German
entrepreneurs now lament the acute shortage of skilled workers.
But what is in Germany so fundamentally different, why we need more
workers than their own people will bear? Is our standard of living is
so high that we could not achieve it by their own efforts? Hardly
true cause is more likely to be found in our export madness!
If Germany does not generated a huge trade and current account
surplus year after year, our political actors feel apparently
uncomfortable. Although we know perfectly well that our imbalance
some EU countries brings in considerable difficulties. Why has to be
produced in densely populated Germany, which is then consumed in
countries with huge unemployment problems?
If you were in Germany three million official unemployed and five million hidden unemployed (deported to early retirement, training) and the army of millions of hidden reserves (people who are not registered as unemployed because they do not receive social benefits) enable all we could almost take over the nutrition and care of half of Europe. And completely unassisted (without immigration).
creates new demand for labor!
To this extent, immigration is at best a zero-sum game in
terms of labor demand. Because migrants are indeed no care-free
robot. Let them be as feed the local population and supplies (which
workers claimed) as well.
In other words: if in Germany 20 million, 40 million or 80 million
people - in
a healthy economy,
it does not matter - there is no shortage of skilled labor, just as
mass unemployment.
The intact
national community always earned a living standard that it needs or
can generate from their own forces.
Variable only the general weekly working time is (the higher the
precipitates, the higher the standard of living).
we still have 600,000 vacancies!"
Really? And what are these jobs that can not be filled
In the
summer season in 2015 alone there were on Sylt an unmet need of 800
temporary workers, mainly in the catering and hotel industry. And why
can not be filled, these bodies, despite persistently high mass
unemployment? It's simple: Because the merits are not adapted to
the working conditions!
The reward does not even arrived in many cases to cover the cost of a
small apartment on Sylt (the rents are there horrendous). So people
need to back by train from the mainland and forth. This is very time
consuming and of course also goes into the money. It is hardly worth
(unless you halved the Hartz IV rates for families).
In the
bakery trade, it seems, meanwhile, also to give a shortage of young
people. Is us raved constantly about the media, refugees could well
be retrained, especially in this area. A few years ago, many bakers
found a job (because increasingly only baked imported blanks). It may
be that the tide has now turned.
But because why do so few graduates still bakers are today? Is
not due to the insufficient payment in the face more difficult
working conditions? Get up at 3 am and then perform in hot bakeries
chord work is really not for everyone. Since you prefer to work but
in a car company on the assembly line (earned there twice), Pilot
will (in quadruple content), teachers, educators, social workers or
Every person and every job has its price. Using the mass-immigration of this market economy principle is undermined.
The defendant "skills shortage" in the bakeries is instructive and exemplary in other ways. What work remains actually are because of the emergency situation? Has about our overproduction and affluent society already someone once can buy no more bread? The worst case scenario would be only if, instead of the usual twenty only five breads were close to closing time available.
running out the work ...
In this skills shortage debate nor fears to be omitted which target
the opposite direction exactly. For 20 years is alleged to humanity
go long to work out (always further automation, use of robots,
These scare tactics I do not support. Ultimately, it all comes down
to only one interest balance of standard of living and leisure. If we
content ourselves with the entitlement of 1970, we would all just
work about 20 hours today.
of thought:
should people leave their homes and constantly run after
work? Why investors do not go where the people are?
Migrations - as luck would have it capital?
The report published in June 2014 new National Education report
confirms that the "skills shortage" largely homemade was. In
many shortage occupations (metal, technology, power, health and care)
it simply lack of training places - apprenticeship applicants there
would be enough. The defendant by the economic shortage of young
people is really only in the fields of nutrition and crafts, cuisine,
hotels and restaurants.
conclusion: It can so twist and turn as you like: For a reasonable
charge there would be no shortage of skilled workers! Immigrants
are needed only to undermine wage rates or underpaid professions do
not have to be raised to the necessary level.
This view was also part of the ARD confirmed by a 45-minute
television documentary on 21 7th, 2014.
is a shortage of skilled workers? In
a time where everyone gifted man can attain a high school
degree and study, the claims are naturally correspondingly
high. Most trades for example require in-depth technical
knowledge combined with technical skill. Who has this kind
talents could so successfully complete some
courses. Now,
when I hear from some bosses again, "but we pay well and yet
we get no people," said this assessment is quite subjective.
Because the wage rates in the shortage occupations would be
raised with the market, there would also be there enough
young talent. The
higher costs being passed ultimately to the customer.
even the supposed shortage of skilled workers in the elderly
can be explained. Why should someone push night shifts for
relatively little money, ruining his back and annoying old
people change diapers when in other professions (for
example, as an educator) finds far better working conditions
and better wages in times of Hartz IV? No
wonder, then, if it is difficult under these circumstances
to find enough good nurse. By the immigration overdue wage
adjustment is unfortunately prevented because foreigners are
often more modest and far worse rewards are used to. If
there were no immigrants, wage rates for geriatric nurse
would be much higher (because of the unpleasant working
conditions still above the level of the
educators). So
it's nothing around it: If there really is a shortage of
skilled personnel in any area, the remuneration is not
true. The attractiveness of a profession is ultimately
determined by the height of the content. It would be more
than ignorant to believe that particularly arduous and
unpleasant tasks in times of Hartz IV would not need to be
rewarded accordingly.
shortage of skilled labor is almost always the result of an
outdated pay.
In choosing a career young people prefer understandably
occupations that are particularly attractive. The dream job
is to demand from a not too much stress, enjoy a high social
status, offer pleasant working hours and good career
opportunities and of course best remunerated.
The usual objection that higher wages could you can not
afford that are simply not there, not true. For the higher
wage rates eventually apply to all, even for the
competitors. The competitors have to bite the bullet - or
they will get no more people.
But now even does a healthy market economy. It is therefore
not a client's heating boilers no longer leave his roof or
his air-conditioning repair. The customer must accept the
market price, or he will miss.
5 years ago it was finally ready to lie three times the
amount for a flat screen TV. Summary: The customer accepts
market prices, because he had no choice remains (most of the
illustrate an example of the economic
miracle At
that time there was a real shortage of labor, which then led
to severe over tariff benefits in many professions. The good
employment and earning potential in the shortage occupations
then automatically ensured a rise in the number of
apprentices. In an intact single market drop everything
regulates all by itself.
An acquaintance of mine (he had just finished learning)
sought a position in 1967 as a printer. In a four-line
display flow rate in a small trade publication he received
64 job offers.
The company outbid each other with special benefits: A
payment of 20% over rate was almost standard, in addition
often came to provide a convenient, proprietary new flat
(back then there was an acute housing shortage), daily
complimentary cafeteria food, the acquisition of removal
expenses, possibly . the use of a company car, etc ..
measures even full employment could
pretend. Fewer
unemployed, but more Hartz IV
The unemployment rate is probably the most important
indicator to prove the success of the government's work. As
long as one is able to report declining numbers, the
group-friendly propaganda slogans appear ( "Germany benefits
from ... the EU, the euro, globalization, open borders,
immigration") as credible.
Here can be achieved by targeted manipulation virtually any
dream result: Should worsen the situation, one needs to
increase only the ABM deals, unemployed commit to training
(which helps in two ways - the unemployment in statistics
and there are additional teachers, interpreters and
instructor needed), reduce the retirement age, rather than
58-year-old already over 56-year-old from the unemployment
statistics banish etc ..
Also for April 2017 was for Flensburg (as generally in the
federal territory) again celebrated a decline in
unemployment. End of April there were in Flensburg Office
area 4,533 unemployed ( three less than in the previous
But the number of regular benefit recipients rose in the
same period by 669 to 11,069.
What a discrepancy! Instead of the unemployment figures,
should if one thinks it reasonably honest, rather the number
of regular benefit recipients will be announced every month.
That would be much more meaningful.
% der über 50jährigen haben keinen Job!
Deutschland haben nur 60 % der über 50jährigen
einen Job (was immer sich darunter auch verbirgt). Wer
erwerbslos und über 50 Jahre alt ist hat ohne Vitamin B
kaum eine Chance, noch eine seriös bezahlte Arbeit zu
erhaschen. Nicht einmal eine Halbtagsstelle oder einen
Aushilfsjob! Ein echter Fachkräftemangel sieht anders
There is no equality of opportunity - even when it comes to forming
opinions. While the capital (corporations, speculators, lobbyists,
media, governments) can afford the best translators, I have to settle
for a simple language program for financial reasons. I hope, however,
that the text is nevertheless reasonably understandable and that no
major mistakes have occurred. Thank you for your understanding.
Manfred Julius Müller, 24939 Flensburg (Flensburg has approx.
90,000 inhabitants and lies on the German-Danish
websites are absolutely non-partisan and
are not sponsored by state institutions, global
players, corporations, associations, parties, unions, aid
organizations, NGOs, the EU or capital lobby, hyped by google or
influenced by the cancel culture movement! They are also free of
advertising and fees.
and analysis:
Political Encyclopedia: independent &
doctored statistics and state propaganda form the basis of our
research: Which countries with high birth rates are really doing
infiltration of democracy by the Cancel Culture movement
nasty tricks of the anti-democrats!
and consequences of global economic
Germany wages have been falling since 1980.
The brazen proclamation of skills
propaganda apparatus the globalisation
the ignorance of the facts
subject protectionism
failure of the West - Result of the free trade
political and economic consequences of an
analytical consideration from German
have to explain Europe better!"
will the Dexit? (the withdrawal of Germany from the
Donald Trump initiate the end of globalization?
list of the currently available translations into English can be
found here.
Unpopular truths from Germany. The capitalist world by no means
functions in the way that the human being is brainwashed. The hottest
political taboo topics. The tough fight against false doctrines and
© Manfred Julius Müller, Flensburg, Februar 2014
Manfred J. Müller has been analyzing global economic processes for 40 years. He is considered a pioneering thinker. For example, 20 years ago he called for a kind of supply chain law that obliges manufacturers and dealers to only import fairly remunerated and produced goods to Germany (finally became law in May 2021). He has also long recommended a minimum profits tax for large companies on domestic sales (Joe Biden's proposal for a global minimum profits tax in spring 2021 is finally moving in the same direction, but is far too lame and will hardly be implemented internationally). Manfred J. Müller has also been fighting for his idea of wage cost reform for three decades (gradual reduction of social security contributions with counter-financing through value added tax and customs duties).
Manfred Julius Müller has analyzed global economic processes for more than 30 years. He is the author of various books on the topics of globalization, capitalism and politics. Some texts by Manfred Julius Müller also found their way into textbooks or are used for teacher training.
analyzes and texts by Manfred Julius Müller are non-partisan and
They are not,
as is often the case, sponsored by state institutions, global
players, corporations, associations, political parties, trade unions,
the EU or capital lobby!
decades of brainwashing, the corporate lobby has succeeded
in making radical ideologies a matter of course! A
critical look behind the scenes of political
an army of loyal politicians and sympathetic journalists and
the superiority of their opinion factories, system-owned
economic institutes producing desired statistics, etc., they
have brought about social changes and laws that only serve
their special interests. This can be seen, for example, in
the development of earned income (real net wages and
pensions have been falling in Germany since 1980) on the one
hand and the gigantic jumps in profits on the other (such as
with shares and dividends). Should it always go on like
dreaded books by Manfred Julius