"We have to explain Europe better!"

EU critics can only smile about this statement. Because an honest education could hardly survive the EU.

Is the EU lobby serious or is it just a bad joke once again? You can not really believe that a good education work would serve the image of the EU!

An honest education would be exactly the wrong way!
I am convinced that the more the citizen deals with the effects of the European Union, the more he distances himself from this crazy idea.
In order to divert attention from the fatal consequences of the EU, there is no need for enlightenment, but massive propaganda or a brainwashing-like, medial persistent irrigation. But with this kind of national dumbing down, the EU lobby knows its way around, because she can look back on 50 years of practical experience.

Let's pick out six key features to make it clear that an open EU debate can only hurt.


1. The Euro experiment has failed fundamentally!
Neutral experts have warned loudly before the introduction of the euro - and dismissed smart governments from the outset thankfully.
Logically, a single currency can not work in a completely inhomogeneous economic area with very different wages, taxes, languages, cultures, living standards, etc.!

The result of the euro, against which better knowledge is still convulsively maintained:
1. States must be saved with gigantic debt relief.
2. With a historically unprecedented cheap money glut, time must be bought to delay the impending economic collapse again and again.
3. Freshly generated ECB money is needed to buy the sovereign bonds of over-indebted euro countries.
4. A forced zero-interest-rate policy secretly expropriates the savers, perverts the market economy and mocks the system of private old-age provision.

In the meantime, the Italian government is seriously considering paying its banks ¤ 360 billion in bad loans.
The result could be a great cycle: Private banks lend themselves to high-risk loans at low interest rates (to stimulate the economy), shaky scrap papers are later taken over by the state special fund - and the uncertain government bonds, in turn, are bought by the ECB. What a brilliant idea ...


2. The Schengen Agreement has failed!
Unprejudiced politicians stir up unfounded fears about the failure of the Schengen Agreement (abolition of EU internal borders). And also from the economy is warned with horror scenarios before a supposed catastrophe and cost avalanche.

However, when the Schengen Agreement did not exist (before 1985), most of the Schengen states were far better off than they are today - even real wages and pensions were higher.
The Schengen Agreement is proving to be a very effective wage dumping system in practice. The competition with the low-wage countries in Eastern Europe intensifies when annoying border controls and customs duties are eliminated.

Meanwhile, even long-established forwarding companies suffer (despite the multiplication of transport volumes) under the unnatural boom. They often have to trick in order to survive at all (for example, hire cheap drivers from Eastern Europe).

Beneficiaries of the Schengen Agreement are predominantly corporations that can outsource production steps more favorably, speculators who need limitless "freedom" for their business, tax evaders who use tax havens or tariffs or VAT * save, refugees who uncontrolled (sometimes multiple) in the countries of their choice Applying for asylum, criminals (auditors, burglars and thieves, traffickers), etc.

By contrast, the ridiculous relief of ordinary citizens (tourists or commuters), who no longer have to identify at the border, hardly matters.


The number of EU critics is constantly growing.
Because the schönfärberische Dauerberieselungs propaganda does not pull!
Because people feel the decades-long decline in Western Europe.
Because they can no longer hear the stupid ramblings of a prosperous, peace-building, denationalized superpower.


3. Even the healings peace patter turns out to be a farce!
In solidarity with the EU, Germany now has to order thousands of soldiers into the crisis regions of the world.

The EU has not made peace in the EU any safer!
Even the current conflict in Ukraine would probably not have set in without the EU (because there would have been no split in Ukrainian society and no EU accession aspirations).
The dominance of the global markets, the free trade zones, the EU and the omnipotence of corporations and financial jugglers certainly does not have a peacemaking effect. It transforms the world into a chaotic, uncontrollable powder keg.


4. The escalating EU bureaucracy costs huge sums of money!
It soon seems that the EU was only created to bring regulations to the economy. It is impossible to imagine what this flood of laws (more than 80,000 pages) will do to anything or cause costs.

The national governments are allowed to pay for the Brussels dictates and are often overburdened with their implementation. Again and again, national laws have to be revised or adjusted later.

The constitutional state degenerates to the state of appeal.
Anyone who has money or a strong lobby can first of all use the national authorities, if need be, even intervene in the Federal Constitutional Court and even call the European Court of Justice in an emergency.
For example, clear laws over and over again can be undermined in years of proceedings, and our constitution becomes a plaything for party and lobby interests - morality and common sense often fall by the wayside.


5. Subsidy policy versus market economy
A subsidy policy is similar to the planned economy! It is no longer the market that decides, but the politician or the bureaucrat.
In EU agriculture, this nonsense is particularly clear. Most German farmers already had to give up their farms owned by the family since generations because of the EU subsidy policy.

It would be so easy to counteract the Höfesterben and mass animal husbandry!
With high import duties and guaranteed prices for agricultural products (and a simple quota price regulation), German farmers could be guaranteed a decent living.
But while Hartz IV recipients in Germany have a strong lobby, a lush "subsistence level" is guaranteed, our farmers can see how they cope with ruinous milk, meat and grain prices.

Without the EU, the German farmers would definitely be better off, our country could save tens of billions of euros in counterfeiting subsidies and, for the most part, feed itself independently (in the event of catastrophes and global crop failures, it would not depend on the grace of other states).


6. The duty-free EU can not protect national economies!
Without customs barriers, producers (with the exception of global players) are vulnerable to foreign dumping competition.
For example, how should a textile industry survive when manufacturers have the opportunity to have their expensive clothes made for low-cost in low-wage countries (without fear of import tariffs). Should the Germans, Greeks, French, Italians, etc. also work for an hourly wage of 30 cents, just like the exploited in Bangladesh or Vietnam?

Germany's industry has shrunk in the course of tariff freedom to a few exemplary branches (auto, mechanical engineering, chemicals, pharmaceuticals). But here, too, things are crumbling, production parts are increasingly being outsourced, and vertical integration is declining.
Many industries with a world-wide reputation virtually no longer exist or only in niche areas and exceptional cases. Whether mobile phones, computers, TV sets, office machines, clothes, shoes, furniture, solar systems, household goods or whatever - most consumer goods are meanwhile manufactured abroad.


The EU Nagativliste could continue for hours!
But the six examples listed already provide sufficient insight. If someone says "we have to explain Europe better to increase acceptance.", Then he can only mean the opposite.

For the EU is in my opinion only to keep about cunning propaganda, anti-democratic machinations and consistent national stupidity.


Why is there such a strong EU lobby?
With the friendly reports in the media you should not mistake who or what is behind it all.
Thousands of people work directly for the EU - in the European headquarters or national parliaments. They usually receive a fabulously good salary (at the expense of the general public). Logical that these people do not want to shake the EU status.

Likewise, there are tens of thousands of lobbyists (15,000 in Brussels alone) who are doing well for their association, industry or business. These people, too, usually get chunky.

Then there are many other indirect beneficiaries. Of course, when the corporate leaders of the victorious Gobal players (who have largely flattened their competition over time) persuade their employees and the public that the sales success is due to the EU and to duty-free trade.

These corporate workforces (automotive and mechanical engineering, chemicals, pharmaceuticals) are conscious that they owe the EU higher incomes and hefty bonuses.
No wonder, then, that this privileged army of millions vehemently defends its privileges and pretends that the general public benefits from the EU (which is far from being the case).

Ergo: A loud, privileged minority dominates the public debate.
However, the vast majority, the losers in European and global tariff dumping (the mid-sized companies struggling for their existence, as well as billions of unemployed and low-paid workers worldwide), are barely noticed.


"There is no problem that Germany alone can solve"
When I last heard this sentence in a talk show (I think it was with Maischberger), I almost fell down with laughter from my chair. With what innocent mine can seasoned politicians spread only such silly theses?

A sovereign state such as Germany (but above all Greece, Italy, Spain, etc.) can react much better and more quickly to the major problems mentioned (unemployment, environmental protection, migration).

The adventurous high mass unemployment in the EU results essentially from the duty-free trade (which I explained in more detail above) and the failed euro-politics.
Sustainable environmental protection has failed for decades due to the disunity of the 28 member states and the murderous competitive situation (if domestic economies were protected by tariffs, most states could afford better environmental protection).
And as far as migrant migration is concerned, if Europe had functioning national state borders instead of the irrational Schengen Agreement (as is customary worldwide), these problems would not have arisen.


The superstition of the benefits of export dependence
Especially in Germany, people are still trying to persuade the population that our wealth is based on export success. This old mistaken belief dogmatizes political thinking and leads to serious wrong decisions (explains the persistent wage decline since 1980).

What is rarely considered: A high export also requires a high import quota. However, a superfluous international trade does not create additional jobs and is basically counterproductive and harmful to the environment.

There are also disadvantages resulting from global wage and tax competition. And: A high dependence on exports makes a state blackmailable, the plaything of the world economy and the global financial system.

Whoever claims that without a high export quota, there can be no wealth, does not know what he says. Even from the logic of such a theory of wealth is foolish.

Assuming that there were only one habitable land (for example Germany, France, the USA or China) and all around there were only deserts and oceans - would high wealth be impossible in the absence of world trade? Hardly likely!


* In the mirror issue 15/2016 is described in detail how clever online retailers operate unabashedly carousels. Goods are moved through several stations in foreign EU countries and then bought back tax-adjusted. Only then can some Billigheimer consistently lead the price search engines (sell goods under purchase price).Thanks to Schengen agreements, medium-sized stationary retailers and even reputable online retailers hardly have a chance of survival in the long term with well comparable technical branded products. They are basically too expensive.


Excuse me!
There is no equality of opportunity - even when it comes to forming opinions. While the capital (corporations, speculators, lobbyists, media, governments) can afford the best translators, I have to settle for a simple language program for financial reasons. I hope, however, that the text is nevertheless reasonably understandable and that no major mistakes have occurred. Thank you for your understanding.

Manfred Julius Müller, 24939 Flensburg (Flensburg has approx. 90,000 inhabitants and lies on the German-Danish border)


Background & Analysis:
A list of the currently available translations into English can be found here.
Unpopular truths from Germany. The capitalist world by no means functions in the way that the human being is brainwashed. The hottest political taboo topics. The tough fight against false doctrines and prejudices.


Background and analysis:
The capitalist empowerment law
Brainwashing: "We want an open Europe!"
Should the EU become a political union, new problems arise!
In Germany wages have been falling since 1980. Why?
Germany: The brazen proclamation of skills shortage!
The rule of law becomes a laughing stock
Globalization: the ignorance of the facts
How much democracy can withstand the EU?
No more export dependency!
The political and economic consequences of an brexit An analytical consideration from German view.
"We have to explain Europe better!"
When will the Dexit? (the withdrawal of Germany from the EU)

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Ist die EU noch reformierbar?

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Ursachen und Folgen der Weltwirtschaftskrisen

Profitiert Deutschland von der Zuwanderung?



© Manfred Julius Müller, Flensburg, April 2016

Current books by Manfred Julius Müller (unfortunately currently only available in German):
THE CAPITAL and the world economic crises - only Euro 5.80
THE CAPITAL and the welfare state - only Euro 7.90
OUT OF THE EU or persevere until the sinking? - only Euro 5,90
The free trade delusion - only Euro 6.50
Humanity knows no boundaries. Stupidity, but not too! - only Euro 6.80
Only Fairtrade! The capitalist Reformation! 35 theses for a fairer world! - only 5,- Euro

Manfred Julius Müller has analyzed global economic processes for more than 30 years. He is the author of various books on the topics of globalization, capitalism and politics. Some texts by Manfred Julius Müller also found their way into textbooks or are used for teacher training.

The analyzes and texts by Manfred Julius Müller are non-partisan and independent!
They are not, as is often the case, sponsored by state institutions, global players, corporations, associations, political parties, trade unions, the EU or capital lobby!